Prominent Cultural Figures at St.Petersburg University

This edition tells about outstanding figures of the Russian and world culture: writers, poets, artists, musicians, actors, and film directors who studied or worked at St. Petersburg University for over three centuries. Numerous illustrations, photographs of the age, archival and museum documents tell about the university years of prominent cultural figures whose alma mater was St. Petersburg State University.

ISBN: 978-5-288-05938-4

Автор: Editors-in-chief I. L. Tikhonov, M. V. Khodyakov.

Издательство: СПбГУ

Формат: 60*100/8

Место издания: Санкт-Петербург

Переплет: Переплет

Год издания: 2019

Количество страниц: 288

Рубрикатор: История

Weight: 1368 g